
Under some circumstances, a character falling and sliding along a sloped surface may get hung up near the bottom of the surface before actually landing on the floor.  This seems to occur when sliding along steep slopes or corners, combined with larger-than-average MaxStepHeight.

NOTE: this may not be apparent on typical UE characters that adjust the mesh and feet to the ground without un-hiding the capsule visualization.


Steps to Reproduce

Start with a 3rd-person Character template project.

Change these settings on the BP_ThirdPersonCharacter's blueprint:

    Capsule radius: 34 cm
    Capsule height; 88 cm
    Max Step Height: 70cm
    Uncheck the capsule's "Hidden in Game" option

Add the attached SM_Test static mesh asset to the Content folder and drag it onto the map. 

PIE in 1-player standalone mode.  Run and jump towards the sloped walls in various locations. While in the air, let go of control input and let the character slide down the wall to the floor.

Observe that the wall sections nearest to either end will "catch" the capsule before it reaches the floor. 

For reference:

[Image Removed]

Adding a simple cube static mesh to the map will also work, with these settings:

    Y rotation of 65.0 °
    Scale it up so it has some depth, say X=4, Y=4, Z=2
    Move it so it penetrates and rises out of the walkable floor.

PIE in 1-player standalone mode.  Run and jump into the slanted corners. While in the air, let go of control input and let the character slide down the wall along the corner. 

Observe that (often) the capsule will be caught and suspended before sliding all the way to the ground. 

For reference:

[Image Removed]

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Fix Commit32705989
CreatedApr 3, 2024
ResolvedApr 5, 2024
UpdatedApr 25, 2024
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