
The user was having issues with setting the correct ENiagaraCoordinateSpace enum in their python script. This enum currently exists in the engine as both a user-defined enum (which is deprecated), and a C++ enum defined in NiagaraTypes.h which is likely the one that is currently used but isn't exposed to python, so existing python scripts including the script built-in to the CascadeToNiagaraConverter plugin are still referencing the deprecated user-defined enum and is not working.


Steps to Reproduce

From the user:
Steps to Reproduce

Open any project in Unreal Editor
Run the script provided in the issue description above (In the first comment of the case)
Open "All > Content > FX > CoordinateSpaceError"
Note: For me, this sometimes crashes on the first attempt after running my script. I don't think that's related to the issue I'm asking about here, and relaunching Unreal Editor and attempting to open the system a second time works without issue
Observe that the "Sprite Facing and Alignment" module has an error indicating "Facing Coordinate System" could not be set

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ComponentUE - Niagara - Cascade
Affects Versions5.3.2
CreatedApr 8, 2024
UpdatedApr 16, 2024
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