Compiling any material with r.ShaderCompiler.JobCache=0 causes ShaderCompileWorker to crash. Reproduction steps cause a crash during Editor startup, but this bug may affect other scenarios where mat ...
Hello! In UE 5.5 Preview, new stylus code was introduced, which can cause a test failure in an unrelated test suite, Editor.Plugins.Tools.Modeling.EditorMode.ExtrudePolygons.*. The test indirectly ...
Hello, Our animation team reported an issue with the AutoKey feature of the LevelSequencer, sometimes they will notice that after a while, the undo buffer no longer works. Unfortunately the issue ...
We found a problem with the component visualizer system and the PreviewActor in the Blueprint editor. If your component is using a FInstancedStruct in anyway, either directly, in a TMap, or TArray, ...
A licensee has reported that occasionally a race condition triggers a crash during the initialization of FVolumetricRenderTargetViewStateData. If FVolumetricRenderTargetViewStateData::Mode is not pr ...
Cutting two tracks in sequencer, which one is attached to another one, and pasting it break with Attach track. By this operation, Attack track loses its binding object. Copying such tracks and paste ...
Context The Visual Logger is a powerful debugging tool to create and record visual representations, and allows people to review the data. Problem The problem is that it does not record things don ...
Reproduced 3/3 times. Regression testing in progress. Issue was reproduced on both Windows and MacOS launching onto iOS. Issue does not reproduce when packaging and installing an .ipa app. ...
When a foliage actor contains instances of Nanite and Non-Nanite meshes, the Nanite meshes don't get a selection outline when the actor is selected.[Image Removed] ...
When doing a static mesh to skeletal mesh conversion where the source object is an OBJ, if recompute normals or tangents is on, then the resulting normals and tangents will be broken. ...