Play from here not correctly spawning player when high value used in grid snapping

Tools - Feb 3, 2015

Play from Here incorrectly adjusts player spawn when large grid snap values are used. ...

Blueprint viewport doesn't show the camera preview.

Tools - Feb 3, 2015

Blueprint viewport doesn't show the camera preview. ...

Collapsed categories in the My Blueprint tab are automatically expanded when any main tab is clicked

Tools - Jan 30, 2015

Collapsed categories in the My Blueprint tab are automatically expanded when any main tab, such as the Event Graph or Construction Script tab, is clicked. Moving to the Defaults or Components Modes ...

Editor crashes if user attempts to open a data table that only has one data type after closing and reopening editor

Tools - Jan 30, 2015

Editor crashes if user attempts to open a data table that only has one data type after closing and reopening editor Frequency: 2/2 Crash Reporter: Not currently available ...

Linear Color Texture causes break point through Material Function into Material Instance

Tools - Jan 29, 2015

When changing the Texture in a Material Instance made from a Material with Parameters found in a Material Function, Visual Studio throws a breakpoint. I was able to continue past the breakpoint (3 ...

Memory spikes when changing properties on a large amount of textures via Property Matrix

Tools - Jan 29, 2015

When changing a property on a large number of textures via the Property Matrix, memory usage can spike to over 26G. Tested in Main (Promotable-CL-2423505) Probably related to [Link Removed] ...

If a component is added to a subclass after a Blueprint has already been created using that subclass, and a hot reload is performed, the new component is not editable in the Blueprint.

Tools - Jan 29, 2015

Adding a component to a subclass after the component was declared in the parent class results in the component not being editable if a Blueprint had already been created using the subclass. This onl ...

Unable to name a component if the name was used on a deleted component

Tools - Jan 29, 2015

When deleted a component in the in world component editor, that name cannot be used for another component until the editor has been restarted. ...

Parameter Group Names are lost when assigned in Material Functions

Tools - Jan 26, 2015

Parameters within a Material Function which have a specific Group assigned lose the group information when an Instance is created. Reproduced in 4.7 Preview 4 and Main Promotable-CL-2412886 ...

Child components mobility is always set to Movable even when parent is static

Tools - Jan 24, 2015

I've noticed when adding another static mesh component to a static mesh instance in the level that it always starts off Movable, even when the parent is static. I would expect the child to be based ...