Linked animation graph doesn't trigger anim notifications on dedicated server.

OLD - Anim - Jun 15, 2020

Linked animation graph doesn't trigger anim notifications on dedicated server. There is no expected message in log: LogBlueprintUserMessages: [HitReact_AnimBP_C_0] Client 0: HitNotify IsServer: tru ...

Dragging off a pin in a Blueprint Function Library function does not give the user option to make a Local Variable

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jun 9, 2020

When in a function in a Blueprint Function Library, dragging off a pin will not give the user the option to promote it to a local variable. You only have the option to make a global variable (which ...

Lightmass: Blocky lightmap artifacts appears on the Mesh Actor which is shadowing by a single face mesh

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Jun 9, 2020

Begin Map Begin Level Begin Actor Class=/Script/Engine.StaticMeshActor Name=Plane_2 Archetype=/Script/Engine.StaticMeshActor'/Script/Engine.Default__StaticMeshActor' Begin Object Class=/Script/En ...

Material Editor: Material Expression Constant Node Preview Incorrect Color

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jun 4, 2020

Character rotations can diverge between clients and client/server briefly under packet loss and using bOrientRotationToMovement

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Jun 4, 2020

At some points the rotations will diverge briefly while the client and server attempt to rotate to the orientation direction by going different directions about the rotation axis. ...

Can't Select Volume Faces in Geometry Edit mode when Allow Translucent Selection and Draw Brush Polys are enabled

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - Jun 2, 2020

See Repro steps. Faces are selectable when either Allow Translucent Selection or Draw Brush Polys is enabled, but not when they are both enabled. ...

Switch on String does not respect Case Sensitive flag

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 2, 2020

Switch on String does not respect the Is Case Sensitive flag and will generate a compile error when there are two pins with the same name but different cases ...

Cloth doesn't unbind when emptying the Mesh Clothing Assets array

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jun 1, 2020

It looks like there's a hook missing to unbind the cloths before destruction of the array shown in the Clothing UI. ...

Typo in Tick Interval tooltip inside task blueprints

UE - AI - May 28, 2020

The BTTask_BlueprintBase class has a type in the tooltip for Tick Interval: " /** If any of the Tick functions is implemented, how ofter should they be ticked.Values < 0 mean 'every tick'. */" ...

Cannot compile a nativized Blueprint with a function that takes an interface as an input parameter and uses it inside the function (e.g. dynamic cast to object).

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 27, 2020

Issue occurs because there is a legacy code path that forces all interface parameters to be declared as 'const' in function declarations, even if CPF_ConstParm is not set in exported C++ code. This ...