Developer Notes

We clear delays on destruction of the actor, so that you don't get crashes later on. Destroyed happens on the end of the frame, so within the current execution chain, you can still clean up, etc.


When a delay node is placed after a Destroy node in a blueprint string, nothing after the delay node will trigger. Removing the delay will trigger following nodes.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Open UE4 Editor (any project)
2. Create a blueprint based on actor
3. In the event graph, add a key press event, 2 Print String nodes, a delay node, and a Destroy Actor node
4. Wire the nodes in the following order:
Event->Print String->Destroy Actor-> Delay->Print String
5. In Defaults, set Auto Receive Input to Player 0.
6. PIE and press the key for key event

Only first print string will show

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By Design
ComponentUE - Gameplay - Blueprint
Affects Versions4.6.14.7
CreatedFeb 20, 2015
ResolvedFeb 21, 2015
UpdatedJul 14, 2021