Steps to Reproduce
  • Create a landscape and have Edit Layers enabled for it.
  • Add a landscape material that has a couple layers in a Landscape Layer Blend node.
  • Save the material.
  • Paint each of the layers onto the landscape.
  • Save the level.
  • Delete one of the layers from the Landscape Layer Blend in the landscape material.
  • Save the material.
  • Delete that same layer under the target layers in the Landscape Edit Paint mode.
  • Save the level.
  • Change to another level and then change back to the test level.
  • Go to the Landscape Edit Paint mode and the deleted target layer will still be there.

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Fix Commit15238037
Main Commit15238037
CreatedJan 26, 2021
ResolvedJan 28, 2021
UpdatedApr 27, 2021
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