
Steps to reproduce:

  1. Download UE5 EA through Epic Games Launcher
  2. Download the Valley of the Ancient sample through Epic Games Launcher
  3. Create a short cut on your desktop adding "-culture=ko" in the end, example like this: D:\Epic\UE_5.0EA\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor.exe "D:\Epic\ValleyoftheAncient2\ValleyoftheAncient2.uproject" -culture=ko
  4. Open the Valley of the Ancient sample with UE5 EA editor
  5. Run the game, and observe the UI


Expected Result: In-game UI should display in three supported official locales: zh-CN, ko and ja

Actual Result: In-game UI is not displaying in three supported official locales: zh-CN, ko and ja



See reference screenshots:

[Link Removed]  

[Link Removed]

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Download UE5 EA through Epic Games Launcher
  2. Download the Valley of the Ancient sample through Epic Games Launcher
  3. Create a short cut on your desktop adding "-culture=ko" in the end, example like this: D:\Epic\UE_5.0EA\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor.exe "D:\Epic\ValleyoftheAncient2\ValleyoftheAncient2.uproject" -culture=ko
  4. Open the Valley of the Ancient sample with UE5 EA editor
  5. Run the game, and observe the UI


Expected Result: In-game UI should display in three supported official locales: zh-CN, ko and ja

Actual Result: In-game UI is not displaying in three supported official locales: zh-CN, ko and ja

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ComponentDocs - Samples
Affects Versions5.0-early access
Target Fix5.0-early access 2
Fix Commit16623438
Main Commit16623709
Release Commit16623438
CreatedMay 27, 2021
ResolvedJun 10, 2021
UpdatedJun 22, 2021
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