- Create a Blank project in UE4.26
- Create a NiagaraEmitter using the DirectionalBurst template
- Create a NiagaraSystem from the emitter created in step 2
- In 4.27, copy and open the project created in 4.26
- Change the version of the SpawnBurst module in the emitter from 1 to 1.1 and save it. Do not press Dismiss at this time.
- Close the project
- Reopen the project and make sure that Dismiss is present in the SpawnBurst module of the Emitter and System.
- Press Dismiss on the Emitter module only, and save it.
- Note that dismissing the note here and saving it does not clear the note in the system
- Close the project
- Reopen the project and open both of the assets
- The Upgrade Note is present on the Emitter and System SpawnBurst modules again
- Press Dismiss on the System's note and save it.
- Close the project
- Reopen the project and open the Emitter and System.
- Both the Emitter and System still have the upgrade note
- Dismiss the upgrade note in both assets and save them
- Close the project
- Reopen the project and open both assets again
Result: The Emitter STILL has the upgrade note, but it is finally cleared from the System