
When you select an asset that references a skeleton that has moved, the editor asks you to choose a new skeleton. When you choose Yes is it gives the message "The Anim Blueprint could not be loaded because it's skeleton is missing". Select OK.

This makes it appear that hitting Yes has the same result as hitting No. In reality the Select New Skeleton window has appeared behind the editor. It is misleading that the window doesn't appear after hitting yes, you have to go to windows taskbar to find the window.

Steps to Reproduce

The easiest way is not how our user's are reproducing it.


1. Start a Third Person Template
2. Enable source control and check in your items
3. Move the skeleton to another folder
4. Clean up Redirectors before attempting to open any other assets
5. Open the AnimBP
6. It will ask if you want to select a new skeleton as it cannot find the one you moved
7. Select Yes

Result: It appears that the operation failed without giving you the opportunity to select a new skeleton

8. Hit OK on the next message
9. Click on UE4 in the Windows taskbar
10. Notice the second window, select it

Result: The Select Skeleton window is there, just hidden behind the editor.

The easy way:

1. Create a project based on the Third Person Template
2. Close the editor
3. Navigate to the project location in windows explorer
4. Move the skeleton in explorer to a new folder
5. Launch the project, ignore the errors
6. Open the AnimBP
7. It will ask if you want to select a new skeleton as it cannot find the one you moved
8. Select Yes

Result: It appears that the operation failed without giving you the opportunity to select a new skeleton

9. Hit OK on the next message
10. Click on UE4 in the Windows taskbar
11. Notice the second window, select it

Result: The Select Skeleton window is there, just hidden behind the editor.

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ComponentOLD - Anim
Affects Versions4.7.6
Target Fix4.9
Fix Commit2617109
CreatedApr 21, 2015
ResolvedJul 10, 2015
UpdatedMay 18, 2020
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