
Tested in:
//UE5/Release-5.1 CL22346211 Crashed with Assertion
//UE5/Release-5.0 CL20979098 Crashed with Assertion

Crash occurs when after resuming from a Breaking Point that has been placed on an On List Item Object Set node.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create or open any project
  2. Create a User Widget named "UW_Item"
    1. In "UW_Item" select Class Settings then under interfaces add "Object List Entry"
    2. Compile the Blueprint
    3. Call the "Object List Entry" node in the Event Graph by Right-Clicking it in the Interfaced section then choosing Implement Event
    4. Select the node and press F9 to add a breaking point
    5. Compile, save, and close the Widget Blueprint
  3. Create a User Widget named "UW_Main"
    1. In the Designer view add a "Tile View" from the palette to the hierarchy
    2. Select the "Tile View" then search in the Details panel for "Entry Widget Class"
    3. Set this value to "UW_Item"
    4. In the Graph view off of the Construct node create a "Construct Object From Class" node then assign "UW_Item" to the Class
    5. Get a reference to the Tile View then connect an "Add Item" node
    6. Connect up the execution pins between the "Construct Object.." node and the "Add Item" node
    7. Connect the Return Value output pin of the "Construct Object.." node to the Item input pin of the "Add Item" node
    8. Compile, save, and close the Blueprint Widget
  4. Open the Level Blueprint
    1. On Event BeginPlay add a "Create Widget" node
      1. Set the Class input to the "UW_Main" class
      2. Set the Owning Player to the Player Controller by creating a "Get Player Controller" node
    2. Off of the "Create Widget.." node add an "Add to Viewport" node then connect up the Return Value output pin of the "Create Widget..." node to the Target input pin of the "Add to Viewport" node
    3. Compile, save, and close the Level Blueprint
  5. Play in Editor
  6. "UW_Item" break point will open select "Resume play-in Editor Session"

Expected Results:
The Editor resumes, and play continues

Actual Results:
The Editor appears to freeze, and eventually crashes with an Assertion.

Assertion failed: false [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Slate\Public\Widgets\Views\SListView.h] [Line: 857] TileViewT<ItemType> [ListViewBase.h(286)] detected a critical error. See diagnostic dump above. Provide a custom 'OnItemToString_Debug' for more detailed diagnostics.
UnrealEditor-UMG!7ffde3be0000  + 11cf4b
UnrealEditor-UMG!7ffde3be0000  + 1bd592
UnrealEditor-Slate!7ffdf6d30000  + 38f0f3
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c0c5
UnrealEditor-Slate!7ffdf6d30000  + 33e433
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 208bd0
UnrealEditor-UMG!7ffde3be0000  + 236b76
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-Slate!7ffdf6d30000  + 33e433
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 209790
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-Slate!7ffdf6d30000  + 33df5e
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 209790
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20d744
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20993b
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
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UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20993b
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 208bd0
UnrealEditor-Engine!SGameLayerManager::OnPaint(FPaintArgs const &,FGeometry const &,FSlateRect const &,FSlateWindowElementList &,int,FWidgetStyle const &,bool) [SGameLayerManager.cpp:387]
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
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UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
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UnrealEditor-Slate!7ffdf6d30000  + 3424a5
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
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UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 208bd0
UnrealEditor-Slate!7ffdf6d30000  + 340e86
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 208bd0
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-Slate!7ffdf6d30000  + 33e14d
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UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 208bd0
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 208bd0
UnrealEditor-Slate!7ffdf6d30000  + 33dd9d
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 209790
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20d744
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20993b
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 208bd0
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20d744
UnrealEditor-Slate!7ffdf6d30000  + 341a7c
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 208bd0
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20d744
UnrealEditor-Slate!7ffdf6d30000  + 341a7c
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 208bd0
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20d744
UnrealEditor-Slate!7ffdf6d30000  + 341a7c
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 208bd0
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20d744
UnrealEditor-Slate!7ffdf6d30000  + 341a7c
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 208bd0
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20d744
UnrealEditor-Slate!7ffdf6d30000  + 341a7c
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 208bd0
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20d744
UnrealEditor-Slate!7ffdf6d30000  + 341a7c
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 208bd0
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20d744
UnrealEditor-Slate!7ffdf6d30000  + 341a7c
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20d744
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20993b
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UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 209790
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 208bd0
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
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UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20993b
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 208bd0
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 208bd0
UnrealEditor-Slate!7ffdf6d30000  + 33dd9d
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 209790
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20d744
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UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 208bd0
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20d744
UnrealEditor-Slate!7ffdf6d30000  + 341a7c
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20d744
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20993b
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 209790
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 208bd0
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20d744
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20993b
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20d744
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20993b
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 209790
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 208bd0
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20c8ee
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20d854
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 70e17
UnrealEditor-SlateCore!7ffdf64c0000  + 20db4b
UnrealEditor-Slate!7ffdf6d30000  + 3cb17
UnrealEditor-Slate!7ffdf6d30000  + 61174
UnrealEditor-Slate!7ffdf6d30000  + 3d149
UnrealEditor-Slate!7ffdf6d30000  + 7f1e3
UnrealEditor-Slate!7ffdf6d30000  + 7e8f3
UnrealEditor!7ff76ae40000  + 962b
UnrealEditor!7ff76ae40000  + 227cd
UnrealEditor!7ff76ae40000  + 228ba
UnrealEditor!7ff76ae40000  + 255d0
UnrealEditor!7ff76ae40000  + 36f34
UnrealEditor!7ff76ae40000  + 3a296
KERNEL32!7ffe64950000  + 17034
ntdll!7ffe655b0000  + 526a1

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ComponentUE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate
Affects Versions5.1
Target Fix5.2
Fix Commit23153664
Main Commit23153664
CreatedOct 13, 2022
ResolvedNov 16, 2022
UpdatedJan 8, 2024
View Jira Issue