- Open a new Basic Level
- Ensure that Chaos Caching plugin is enabled (you'll need to restart the editor if it isn't)
- Drag a new sphere into the level
- Raise it up above the ground to give it room to fall
- In the Selection mode dropdown, click Fracture
- Generate > New, save in a location
- In the Fracture mode window, below the Generate and Select, click Uniform
- In the Fracture Tab, scroll to the bottom and click Fracture
- In the details panel for your object, search Damage
- Under Damage Threshold, change the Index values to 1
- At the top left (with FIle Edit Windows), Select Actor > Chaos > Create Cache Manager
- Make unique name and save in a location
- Find created ChaosCacheManager in World Outliner
- Make sure your newly created collection is set as Cache Collection for ChaosCacheManager (set if not)
- Set your ChaosCacheManager’s Cache Mode to “Record”
- Play in Editor
- Stop PIE once the object has reached the floor and shattered
- Set ChaosCacheManager to the Play cache mode (in Details panel of ChaosCacheManager)
- Play in Editor
Expected Result: Geometry Collection falls exactly the same way, as it was falling during the record creation: same place, same duration.
Actual Result: The Geometry Collection freezes the moment it touches the ground