
Cache Mode: record seems to simulate fine, in Cache Mode: Play, the object does not simulate fracturing
Repro Rate: 5/5

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open a new Basic Level
  2. Ensure that Chaos Caching plugin is enabled (you'll need to restart the editor if it isn't)
  3. Drag a new sphere into the level
  4. Raise it up above the ground to give it room to fall
  5. In the Selection mode dropdown, click Fracture
  6. Generate > New, save in a location
  7. In the Fracture mode window, below the Generate and Select, click Uniform
  8. In the Fracture Tab, scroll to the bottom and click Fracture
  9. In the details panel for your object, search Damage
  10. Under Damage Threshold, change the Index values to 1
  11. At the top left (with FIle Edit Windows), Select Actor > Chaos > Create Cache Manager
  12. Make unique name and save in a location
  13. Find created ChaosCacheManager in World Outliner
  14. Make sure your newly created collection is set as Cache Collection for ChaosCacheManager (set if not)
  15. Set your ChaosCacheManager’s Cache Mode to “Record
  16. Play in Editor
  17. Stop PIE once the object has reached the floor and shattered
  18. Set ChaosCacheManager to the Play cache mode (in Details panel of ChaosCacheManager)
  19. Play in Editor


Expected Result: Geometry Collection falls exactly the same way, as it was falling during the record creation: same place, same duration.
Actual Result: The Geometry Collection freezes the moment it touches the ground

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ComponentUE - Simulation - Physics
Affects Versions5.1
Target Fix5.1.1
Fix Commit23239230
Main Commit23244275
Release Commit23239230
CreatedOct 24, 2022
ResolvedNov 22, 2022
UpdatedFeb 7, 2023
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