Wav files with 8000Hz sample rates can be imported into the editor, but fail to play with the Bink compression setting. PCM, ADPCM, and Vorbis work as expected.
LogAudioDerivedData: Warning: Cooking sound failed: SoundWave /Game/Developers/funky_groove_stereo_8000Hz_16b.funky_groove_stereo_8000Hz_16b
8000Hz files play back with Bink in Release-5.0 without issue. This appears to be a recent regression.
1) Open any project
2) Import a .wav file with a 8000Hz sample rate (see attached file)
3) Play the file in the content browser
Expected Result:
File plays
Actual Result:
Sound fails to play
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There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-173274 in the post.