
ZoneGraph is failing to build automatically in the editor even when the flag for Build Zone Graph While Editing is enabled. Things tried that do not cause an automatic rebuild are:

  • Moving, rotating, or scaling the ZoneShape
  • Moving the points of the ZoneShape
  • Changing LaneProfiles
  • Changing direction
  • Changing Shape Type
Steps to Reproduce
  1. Enable ZoneGraph plugin
  2. Enable the Build Zone Graph While Editing flag in Project Settings->ZoneGraph
  3. Add a Lane Profile in Project Settings->ZoneGraph
  4. Add a Lane to the Lane Profile
  5. Assign the tag Default to the Lane
  6. Add a ZoneShape actor to a level
  7. Set the ZoneShape to use the Lane Profile you created
  8. Build the ZoneGraph via Build->Build ZoneGraph on the menu bar
  9. Select the ZoneShape actor and drag it to a new location

Expected Result: The ZoneShape moves and triggers a rebuild of the ZoneGraph

Actual Result: The ZoneShape is moved, but the ZoneGraph does not rebuild. This is evident due to the ZoneGraphData object showing the ZoneShape in its original location before moving. If you build the ZoneGraph again manually, the ZoneGraphData will once again be in the position of the moved ZoneShape.

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ComponentUE - AI
Affects Versions5.1.1
Target Fix5.3
Fix Commit24260170
Main Commit24260170
CreatedFeb 16, 2023
ResolvedFeb 16, 2023
UpdatedApr 29, 2023
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