Steps to Reproduce

1. Create InstalledBuild with the following command.

SET BATCHPATH=Engine\Build\BatchFiles\RunUAT.bat
SET IEBPATH=Engine\Build\InstalledEngineBuild.xml
SET OPTION=-clean -set:BuiltDirectory="C:\TEMP"

%BATCHPATH% BuildGraph -target="Make Installed Build Win64" ^
-script=%IEBPATH% ^
-set:WithWin64=true ^
-set:WithMac=false ^
-set:WithAndroid=false ^
-set:WithIOS=false ^
-set:WithTVOS=false ^
-set:WithLinux=false ^
-set:WithLinuxArm64=false ^
-set:WithStadia=false ^
-set:WithHoloLens=false ^
-set:WithPS4=false ^
​-set:WithGDK=false ^
-set:WithXboxOneGDK=false ^
-set:WithXSX=false ^
-set:WithXB1=false ^
-set:WithSwitch=false  ^
-set:WithPS5=true ^
-set:WithDDC=false ^
-set:WithFullDebugInfo=true ^

2. Create a Thirdperson cpp project from the created engine.
3. Package the project.

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ComponentUE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Automation Tool
Affects Versions5.1
Target Fix5.3
Fix Commit20986686
CreatedMar 27, 2023
ResolvedApr 25, 2023
UpdatedMay 17, 2023
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