
Changing user defined struct values appears to break any nodes that use pin splitting for the given struct. It would appear that some parent pins aren't set correctly during reconstruction, which orphans several of the new pins that are created.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Download attached project.
  2. Open project in editor.
  3. Open MainLevel's BP.
  4. Open the TestUDS asset.
  5. Select the Default Values tab for the TestUDS asset. Change ButtonStyleField->Normal->Image Size->X to 1.0.
  6. Change to MainLevel's BP editor. Observe compilation errors in the "Make Struct" node.
  7. Expected behavior: no compilation errors from changing a default value in a .UDS.

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Affects Versions5.1
CreatedApr 3, 2023
UpdatedApr 4, 2023
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