Developer Notes

This issue has been closed as 'Won't Fix' due to an extended period of time without updates. If this issue is important to you please let us know by posting on the AnswerHub or UDN, and Epic will re-open the ticket for further review.


A warning is needed before allowing users to uncheck update Navigation Automatically. A user has done so and then created a nav mesh that was 1,000,000 by 1,000,000 in size and they can no longer open their project due to the initial load.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open the editor
  2. Open the Editor settings
  3. Uncheck Update Navigation Automatically
    Level Editor > Miscellaneous > Update Navigation Automatically
  4. In the Level editor create a new Nav Mesh Bounds Volume
  5. Notice you can set the scale to an extremely large number such as 1,000,000

Expected: A warning would be given either when scaling the nav mesh or when unchecking the update automatically option
Result: the project hangs when trying to save or potentially when trying to open

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - AI
Affects Versions4.
CreatedJul 7, 2015
ResolvedFeb 22, 2017
UpdatedApr 27, 2018
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