
A user has found that setting input mode to game only on tick will cause the client in PIE to toggle their inputs on and off every tick. If this test is run with a single player the inputs are constant and do not toggle. However when running multiple players the client's inputs toggle on and off.

Note: This is show by using the command "Showdebug INPUT" and the inputs are 1 when held and 0 when not being held.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open Editor
  2. Open the level blueprint
  3. Set the input mode to Game only via a tick event
    Tick Event > Get player controller > Set input mode Game Only
  4. Change the PIE setting to 2 players
  5. Play in Editor
  6. Select the Client window
  7. Bring up the command line using the '~' key
  8. Put in the command "ShowdebugINPUT" via the command line
  9. Press the 'W' key to walk forward
  10. Notice that the Input is flashing between 0 and 1
  11. Exit PIE
  12. Change the player numbers to 1
  13. Play in Editor
  14. Bring up the command line using the '~' key
  15. Put in the command "ShowdebugINPUT" via the command line
  16. Press the 'W' key to walk forward
  17. Notice that the Inputs do not flash (Expected)

Expected: Inputs do not toggle for the clients when setting the input mode
Result: Inputs toggle on and off for clients when setting the input mode

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate
Affects Versions4.8.14.16
CreatedJul 9, 2015
ResolvedDec 14, 2018
UpdatedJul 14, 2021
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