
UNiagaraDataInterfaceSkeletalMesh::CopyToInternal and UNiagaraDataInterfaceSkeletalMesh::Equals do not account for the component tags, so the tags array will be empty when the DI is copied.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a new Niagara system based on the fountain template
  2. Add a skeletal mesh location system to it
  3. Add an entry to the Component Tags array with a value of "Test"
  4. Save the system
  5. Add the system to a skeletal mesh in the level


The system will still sample the mesh even though it does not have the tag "Test" adding another mesh with the correct tag will not cause it to be sampled


NOTE: Restarting the editor will clear the mesh tags

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ComponentUE - Niagara
Target Fix5.3
Fix Commit25772688
Main Commit25772730
CreatedJun 1, 2023
ResolvedJun 2, 2023
UpdatedJun 12, 2023
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