Creating objects at cook time that are exported into the cooked package is a possible cause of indeterminism, and therefore we have banned it in engine classes and will fire a warning about it.
Currently there are too many instances of the warning to turn them on, so we have gated the warning behind a commandline argument and will turn it on and will remove the gate only after fixing the known issues.
Current known issues:
Gameplay Effects
Saving object into cooked package GameplayEffectParent_Heal.uasset which was created at cook time, Object Name UniqueObjectNameForCooking_0, Full Path AssetTagsGameplayEffectComponent /Game/GameplayEffects/Heal/GameplayEffectParent_Heal.Default__GameplayEffectParent_Heal_C:UniqueObjectNameForCooking_0, Class AssetTagsGameplayEffectComponent, Outer Default__GameplayEffectParent_Heal_C, Outer class GameplayEffectParent_Heal_C
Saving object into cooked package W_EliminationFeed.uasset which was created at cook time, Object Name UniqueObjectNameForCooking_0, Full Path ComponentDelegateBinding /ShooterCore/UserInterface/Notifications/EliminationFeed/W_EliminationFeed.W_EliminationFeed_C:UniqueObjectNameForCooking_0, Class ComponentDelegateBinding, Outer W_EliminationFeed_C, Outer class WidgetBlueprintGeneratedClass
Animation - ControlRig
Saving object into cooked package CR_Mannequin_FootPlant.uasset which was created at cook time, Object Name UniqueObjectNameForCooking_0, Full Path RigVMMemory_Work /Game/Characters/Heroes/Mannequin/Rig/CR_Mannequin_FootPlant.Default__CR_Mannequin_FootPlant_C:VM.UniqueObjectNameForCooking_0, Class RigVMMemory_Work, Outer VM, Outer class RigVM Saving object into cooked package CR_Mannequin_FootPlant.uasset which was created at cook time, Object Name UniqueObjectNameForCooking_0, Full Path RigVMMemory_Work /Game/Characters/Heroes/Mannequin/Rig/CR_Mannequin_FootPlant.Default__CR_Mannequin_FootPlant_C:VM.UniqueObjectNameForCooking_0, Class RigVMMemory_Work, Outer VM, Outer class RigVM
Saving object into cooked package BB_UseSmartObject.uasset which was created at cook time, Object Name UniqueObjectNameForCooking_0, Full Path BlackboardKeyType_Object /ShooterExplorer/AI/BehaviorTrees/BB/BB_UseSmartObject.BB_UseSmartObject:UniqueObjectNameForCooking_0, Class BlackboardKeyType_Object, Outer BB_UseSmartObject, Outer class BlackboardData
Saving object into cooked package SK_Pistol_Skeleton.uasset which was created at cook time, Object Name UniqueObjectNameForCooking_0, Full Path AnimCurveMetaData /Game/Weapons/Pistol/Mesh/SK_Pistol_Skeleton.SK_Pistol_Skeleton:UniqueObjectNameForCooking_0, Class AnimCurveMetaData, Outer SK_Pistol_Skeleton, Outer class Skeleton
Saving object into cooked package L_TopDown_LocalMultiplayer.umap which was created at cook time, Object Name UniqueObjectNameForCooking_0, Full Path MaterialInstanceDynamic /TopDownArena/Maps/L_TopDown_LocalMultiplayer.L_TopDown_LocalMultiplayer:PersistentLevel.SkySphere.SkySphereMesh.UniqueObjectNameForCooking_0, Class MaterialInstanceDynamic, Outer SkySphereMesh, Outer class StaticMeshComponent
Saving object into cooked package B_Bomb_Standard.uasset which was created at cook time, Object Name UniqueObjectNameForCooking_0, Full Path NiagaraDataInterfaceArrayFloat3 /TopDownArena/Game/Bombs/B_Bomb_Standard.B_Bomb_Standard_C:NS_BombFuse1_GEN_VARIABLE.UniqueObjectNameForCooking_0, Class NiagaraDataInterfaceArrayFloat3, Outer NS_BombFuse1_GEN_VARIABLE, Outer class NiagaraComponent
Saving object into cooked package L_ShooterGym.umap which was created at cook time, Object Name UniqueObjectNameForCooking_0, Full Path MaterialInstanceDynamic /ShooterCore/Maps/L_ShooterGym.L_ShooterGym:PersistentLevel.B_WeaponSpawner_C_2.TimerIndicator.UniqueObjectNameForCooking_0, Class MaterialInstanceDynamic, Outer TimerIndicator, Outer class MaterialBillboardComponent
Cook LyraGame with -verbosecookerwarnings:
Lyra -run=cook -targetplatform=Windows -verbosecookerwarnings
I am not able to find world outliner how to enable it?
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How to properly terminate the DoWork thread function in FAsyncTask?
There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-189078 in the post.
1 |
Component | UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker |
Affects Versions | 5.3 |
Target Fix | 5.6 |
Created | Jun 19, 2023 |
Updated | Oct 28, 2024 |