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Steps to Reproduce

1. Create a Lyra, 3P, or VR template project
2. In a content folder, create a 2DTextureArray 
3. Add Source textures via the dropdown menu (do not drag and drop from content browser)
4. Hit an assert

Source Textures can be added via dropdown menu.


Assertion failed: bIsRoutingPostCompilation == false [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\TextureCompiler.cpp] [Line: 245] Registering a texture to the compile manager from inside a texture postcompilation is not supported and usually indicate that the previous async operation wasn't completed (i.e. missing call to PreEditChange) before modifying a texture property.
UnrealEditor-Engine!FTextureCompilingManager::AddTextures(TArrayView<UTexture * const,int>) [TextureCompiler.cpp:244]
UnrealEditor-Engine!UTexture2D::CreateResource() [Texture2D.cpp:939]
UnrealEditor-Engine!UTexture::UpdateResource() [Texture.cpp:264]
UnrealEditor-Engine!UTexture2D::UpdateResource() [Texture2D.cpp:717]
UnrealEditor-Engine!FTextureCompilingManager::PostCompilation(UTexture *) [TextureCompiler.cpp:210]
UnrealEditor-Engine!FTextureCompilingManager::ProcessTextures(bool,int) [TextureCompiler.cpp:586]UnrealEditor-Engine!FTextureCompilingManager::ProcessAsyncTasks(bool) [TextureCompiler.cpp:707]UnrealEditor-Engine!FAssetCompilingManager::ProcessAsyncTasks(bool) [AssetCompilingManager.cpp:516]
UnrealEditor!7ff74a710000  + 8c82
UnrealEditor!7ff74a710000  + 2473c
UnrealEditor!7ff74a710000  + 2482a
UnrealEditor!7ff74a710000  + 274f0
UnrealEditor!7ff74a710000  + 3a4c4
UnrealEditor!7ff74a710000  + 3d996
KERNEL32!7ff916c10000  + 17614
ntdll!7ff917b90000  + 526f1




Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-191100 in the post.

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ComponentUE - Texture
Affects Versions5.2
Target Fix5.3
Fix Commit26745767
Main Commit26745555
Release Commit26745767
CreatedJul 25, 2023
ResolvedAug 1, 2023
UpdatedAug 24, 2023
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