
Only the last element of this array is taken into account when adding defaults tracks. It looks like in FLevelSequenceEditorToolkit::AddDefaultTracksForActor a map is built mapping the property owner to an array of property names, but every new property is added as a new array instead of building on the existing array, effectively overwriting whatever was there to begin with.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a child class of Cine Camera Actor (a good class to test with as it has lots of auto-added tracks by default).
  2. Open the Project Settings > Plugins > Level Sequencer menu and add a new array item under Track Settings.
  3. Set Matching Actor Class to the newly created sub-class of the cine camera
  4. Add an array entry to Exclude Default Property Tracks:
    1. Component Path: CameraComponent
    2. Property Path: FocusSettings.ManualFocusDistance
  5. Drag the camera asset into sequencer and observe Manual Focus Distance is correctly not auto-adding
  6. Add another array entry to Exclude Default Property Tracks:
    1. Component Path: CameraComponent
    2. Property Path: CurrentAperture
  7. Drag the camera asset into sequencer and observe Current Aperture is correctly not auto-adding, but Manual Focus Distance is back.
    1. Field Of View is also back, being excluded from the Cine Camera Actor's track settings.
    2. The bug appears to be that only the last item in the array is excluded

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ComponentUE - Anim - Sequencer
Affects Versions5.25.3
Target Fix5.3
Fix Commit26774571
Main Commit26775193
Release Commit26774593
CreatedAug 1, 2023
ResolvedAug 2, 2023
UpdatedAug 4, 2023
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