
Some key lines in the code:

  • Engine\Source\Runtime\MovieSceneTracks\Private\TrackInstances\MovieSceneCVarTrackInstance.cpp:177 --> Apply   CVar when entering section
  • Engine\Source\Runtime\MovieSceneTracks\Private\TrackInstances\MovieSceneCVarTrackInstance.cpp:35  --> Restore CVar when leaving section
Steps to Reproduce

 Create a new level from the “Basic” template and delete everything but the floor

  • Add a PostProcess Volume with infinite extent and enable Bloom with intensity 5
  • Place a cube and set a high emissive color to make the bloom evident
  • Place a stationary point light near the floor with an easy-to-see red light

Test 1:

Create a Level Sequence with the default 150-frame duration. Open it.

  • Add a CVar track and a track to control the color of the point light
  • Frames 30-60: Place a CVar section setting r.BloomQuality to 0
  • Frames 30-60: Place a section to change the color of the point light to green
  • When playing the sequencer normally, both the cvar and the light color change at frame 30 and get restored at frame 60
  • When rendering the sequence with MRQ, the sections work at frame 30, but only the light color is restored at frame 60. The cvar is not restored even after rendering is complete.

Test 2:

  • Create a Level Sequence “LS_Green3” that, on frame 0, changes the light color to green and r.BloomQuality to 3
  • Create a Level Sequence “LS_Blue2” that, on frame 0, changes the light color to blue and r.BloomQuality to 2
  • Create a Level Sequence “LS_White0” that, on frame 0, changes the light color to white and r.BloomQuality to 0
  • Create a Level Sequence with Shots “LS_Master_Test2” and place shots and subsequences:
    • Frames 000-030: Shot Filler
    • Frames 030-060: Shot LS_Blue2 with hierarchical bias 500
    • Frames 060-090: Shot Filler
    • Frames 090-120: Shot LS_White0 with hierarchical bias 500
    • Frames 120-150: Shot Filler
    • Frames 015-135: Subsequence LS_Green3 with hierarchical bias 100
  • Open the “Console Variables” window to follow the value of r.BloomQuality
  • Play the sequence normally, everything behaves as expected
  • Render the sequence with MRQ. When entering the shot at frame 90, r.BloomQuality is wrong for 1 frame, then correct. When leaving the subsequence at frame 135, r.BloomQuality is not restored.

Test 3:

  • Use the same Level Sequences as in test 2, except for the master
  • Create a Level Sequence with Shots “LS_Master_Test3” and place shots and subsequences:
    • Frames 000-030: Shot LS_Blue2 with hierarchical bias 500
    • Frames 030-060: Shot LS_White0 with hierarchical bias 500
    • Frames 000-060: Subsequence LS_Green3 with hierarchical bias 100
    • Play the sequence normally, everything behaves as expected
    • Render the sequence with MRQ with the Sequencer window open. After rendering is done, r.BloomQuality is still at 2 (not restored to 5)
    • Close and reopen the Editor to reset r.BloomQuality
    • Render the sequence with MRQ with the Sequencer window closed. After rendering is done, r.BloomQuality is still at 0 (not restored to 5, and different from the last render)

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ComponentUE - Anim - Sequencer - MRQ
Affects Versions5.2
CreatedAug 9, 2023
UpdatedAug 10, 2023
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