
If the user simulates all bodies, and then sets the physics blend weight to a decimal value between 0 and 1, the skeletal meshes will spin out of control. This doesn't happen if the physics blend weight is set to 1 or 0.

UDN link:

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Launch UE4Editor.exe ContentExamples.
  2. Open PhysicalAnimation.umap.
  3. Open the PhysicalAnimationBlending blueprint.
  4. Add an Event Begin Play node.
  5. Drag off the node and add a Set All Bodies Simulate Physics (SkeletalMesh1) node.
  6. Enable New Simulate.
  7. Drag off the node and add a Set All Bodies Physics Blend Weight (SkeletalMesh1) node.
  8. Set Physics Blend Weight to 0.1.
  9. Compile the blueprint.
  10. Play in editor.

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ComponentUE - Simulation - Physics
Affects Versions4.9
Target Fix4.13
Fix Commit3046280
Main Commit3058682
CreatedJul 27, 2015
ResolvedJul 12, 2016
UpdatedApr 27, 2018
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