
A C++ project with the name, "GearVR", will not build. This does not occur with content-only projects named GearVR.

In 4.7.6 and 4.8.2, it fails during Compiling and an error message appears:
Running C:/Program Files/Epic Games/4.8/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe GearVR Development Win64 -project="D:/4.8_Preview_Projects/GearVR/GearVR.uproject" -rocket -editorrecompile -progress -noubtmakefiles
ERROR: Rocket: No modules found to build?

In 4.9 (//depot/UE4-Releases/4.9/Promotable-CL-2635049), in VS it gives the following build error:

Error 1 error : System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'D:\Builds\UE4\Engine\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Inc\Engine\AnimNode_BlendSpacePlayer.generated.h'. D:\4.9_PromotableProjects\GearVR\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\EXEC GearVR
Error 2 error MSB3073: The command "D:\Builds\UE4\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat GearVREditor Win64 Development "D:\4.9_PromotableProjects\GearVR\GearVR.uproject"" exited with code -1. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets 38 5 GearVR

In 4.10 (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2633501), it gives the following build error:

Error 1 error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'IHeadMountedDisplay.h': No such file or directory d:\ben.halliday_z3920_4.9releases\ue4-releases\4.9\engine\plugins\runtime\gearvr\source\gearvr\private\HMDPrivatePCH.h 6 1 GearVR
Error 2 error : Failed to produce item: D:\Ben.Halliday_Z3920_4.9Releases\UE4-Releases\4.9\Engine\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Development\UE4Editor-UnrealEd.lib C:\Users\Ben.Halliday\Documents\Unreal Projects\GearVR\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\ERROR GearVR
Error 3 error MSB3073: The command "D:\Ben.Halliday_Z3920_4.9Releases\UE4-Releases\4.9\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat GearVREditor Win64 Development "C:\Users\Ben.Halliday\Documents\Unreal Projects\GearVR\GearVR.uproject"" exited with code -1. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets 38 5 GearVR

Steps to Reproduce

1. Launch UE4 Editor
2. Create a new C++ project with the name, "GearVR"

The project will not build

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Cannot Reproduce
ComponentUE - Foundation - Core
Affects Versions4.
CreatedJul 28, 2015
ResolvedAug 10, 2016
UpdatedJul 14, 2021
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