
On a Windows 8.1 Platform with an Nvidia 960 card, Lens Flares when playing with 2 Player's (without a dedicated server) are appearing in the wrong window. So, Player 1 is looking at sun, Player 2 receives Lens Flare.

I am not certain if the root cause if the OS or the NVidia Card, testing on a GTX 770 with Windows 7 produces no problems.

[Image Removed]

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open a FPS BP Project without Starter Content
  2. Set Number of Players to 2
  3. Optional You may need to increase the Post Process: Lens Flare Intensity to more easily see the issue.
  4. Uncheck Run with Dedicated Server
  5. PIE
  6. In Client 1, Look up at the sun in the level

RESULTS: Lens Flare appear in Client 2 when crosshairs are below sun

EXPECTED: Lens Flare always appears in Client 1 if CLient 1 is looking at sun.

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Cannot Reproduce
ComponentUE - Graphics Features
Affects Versions4.18
CreatedJul 28, 2015
ResolvedNov 21, 2017
UpdatedJul 14, 2021
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