
Dragging variables to a category in the BP editor creates a new category based on the display name. If you create a category "TestCategory" then dra a variable to that category, it will create a new category "Test Category" (with a space).

In the MyBlueprint tab and context menu they will be grouped as if they are the same, but they are listed as separate categories in the category dropdown and also in the Class Defaults tab.

Steps to Reproduce
  • Create a new blueprint, add a variable Foo.
  • Change the category of Foo to "TestCategory".
  • Create a new variable Bar (it will have no category)
  • Edit the category and type in "Test Category" with a space, OR drag the variable Bar to the TestCategory category (displayed with a space because of the displayname
  • Open Class Defaults tab to see them listed in separate categories with the same name.
  • Open variable details and expand the category dropdown to show two categories "TestCategory" and "Test Category"

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Won't Fix
CreatedAug 24, 2015
ResolvedAug 18, 2021
UpdatedAug 18, 2021
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