
A user has made an array of arrays by creating a structure that has a member that is an array. When trying to set a member of the array that is within the array, the "Set Array Elem" node does not work.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open first person template
  2. Create a new Structure
  3. Add a member to the structure and make it an array (image for reference)
  4. Add a few members to the array
  5. Open the character blueprint
  6. Create the blueprint in the attached image (set element to true)
  7. Click play in Editor
  8. Notice that the print string is reading out as false

Expected: The member would be set to true
Result: The member does not change

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ComponentUE - Gameplay - Blueprint
Affects Versions4.9
CreatedSep 10, 2015
ResolvedSep 15, 2015
UpdatedJul 14, 2021