
When static lighting is baked using CPU lightmass for a nanite-enabled landscape it causes an editor crash with this assert: ...\Lightmass.cpp] [Line: 546]
Attempting to add the same material twice with different export settings, this is not (currently) supported

GPU lightmass baking does not crash, but the landscape lightmap that gets baked does not look correct.


Steps to Reproduce

1. Create a new map using the basic template
2. Add a landscape
3. Set the sky and directional lights to static or stationary
4. Build lighting -> works
5. Enable Nanite on the landscape
6. Build lighting again -> crash

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ComponentUE - Graphics Features
Affects Versions5.4
CreatedMay 23, 2024
ResolvedMay 24, 2024
UpdatedMay 28, 2024
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