An assert crash is now triggered when set a widget using material to WidgetLoadingScreen of FLoadingScreenAttributes then call FDefaultGameMoviePlayer::SetupLoadingScreen().
The ensureMsgf in question is in IsInParallelRenderingThread(), ThreadingBase.cpp;
#if !UE_BUILD_SHIPPING && !UE_BUILD_TEST if (!LowLevelTasks::FSchedulerTls::IsBusyWaiting() && !CoroTask_Detail::FCoroLocalState::IsCoroLaunchedTask() && !UE::Tasks::Private::IsThreadRetractingTask()) { const uint32 CurrentThreadId = FPlatformTLS::GetCurrentThreadId(); bool oldValue = ((GRenderThreadId == 0) || bLocalIsLoadingThreadSuspended) ? true : CurrentThreadId != GGameThreadId; ensureMsgf(oldValue == newValue, TEXT("oldValue(%i) newValue(%i) If this check fails make sure that there is a FTaskTagScope(ETaskTag::EParallelRenderingThread) as deep as possible on the current callstack, you can see the current value in ActiveNamedThreads(%x), GRenderingThread(%x), GIsRenderingThreadSuspended(%d)"), oldValue, newValue, FTaskTagScope::GetCurrentTag(), GRenderingThread, bLocalIsLoadingThreadSuspended); newValue = oldValue; } #endif
[Inline Frame] LoadingIssueSample.exe!IsInParallelRenderingThread::__l10::<lambda>() Line 311 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!IsInParallelRenderingThread() Line 311 C++ [Inline Frame] LoadingIssueSample.exe!FMaterial::GetRenderingThreadShaderMap() Line 1454 C++ [Inline Frame] LoadingIssueSample.exe!FMaterial::GetShaderMapToUse() Line 1099 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!FMaterial::GetUniformExpressions() Line 1107 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!FMaterial::GetUniformTextureExpressions(EMaterialTextureParameterType Type) Line 1119 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!UMaterial::GetUsedTextures(TArray<UTexture *,TSizedDefaultAllocator<32>> & OutTextures, EMaterialQualityLevel::Type QualityLevel, bool bAllQualityLevels, ERHIFeatureLevel::Type FeatureLevel, bool bAllFeatureLevels) Line 1132 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!FSlateMaterialResource::FSlateMaterialResource(const UMaterialInterface & InMaterialResource, const UE::Math::TVector2<float> InImageSize, FSlateShaderResource * InTextureMask) Line 100 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!FSlateRHIResourceManager::GetMaterialResource(const UObject * InMaterial, const FSlateBrush * InBrush, FSlateShaderResource * TextureMask, int InMaskKey) Line 925 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!FSlateRHIResourceManager::GetShaderResource(const FSlateBrush & InBrush, UE::Math::TVector2<float> LocalSize, float DrawScale) Line 675 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!FSlateShaderResourceManager::GetResourceHandle(const FSlateBrush & Brush, UE::Math::TVector2<float> LocalSize, float DrawScale) Line 38 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!FSlateRHIRenderer::GetResourceHandle(const FSlateBrush & Brush, UE::Math::TVector2<float> LocalSize, float DrawScale) Line 2066 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!FSlateBrush::UpdateRenderingResource(UE::Math::TVector2<float> LocalSize, float DrawScale) Line 162 C++ [Inline Frame] LoadingIssueSample.exe!FSlateBrush::GetRenderingResource(UE::Slate::FDeprecateVector2DParameter) Line 459 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!FSlateBoxElement::SetBrush(const FSlateBrush * InBrush, UE::Slate::FDeprecateVector2DParameter InLocalSize, float DrawScale) Line 402 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!FSlateDrawElement::MakeBoxInternal(FSlateWindowElementList & ElementList, unsigned int InLayer, const FPaintGeometry & PaintGeometry, const FSlateBrush * InBrush, ESlateDrawEffect InDrawEffects, const FLinearColor & InTint) Line 267 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!FSlateDrawElement::MakeBox(FSlateWindowElementList & ElementList, unsigned int InLayer, const FPaintGeometry & PaintGeometry, const FSlateBrush * InBrush, ESlateDrawEffect InDrawEffects, const FLinearColor & InTint) Line 335 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!SImage::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 64 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 1622 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 46 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!SObjectWidget::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 138 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 1622 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 46 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!SBorder::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 129 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 1622 C++ [Inline Frame] LoadingIssueSample.exe!SPanel::PaintArrangedChildren(const FPaintArgs &) Line 30 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!SPanel::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 12 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 1622 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!SOverlay::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 221 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 1622 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 46 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!SBorder::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 129 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 1622 C++ [Inline Frame] LoadingIssueSample.exe!SPanel::PaintArrangedChildren(const FPaintArgs &) Line 30 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!SPanel::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 12 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 1622 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!SOverlay::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 221 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 1622 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!SCompoundWidget::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 46 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!SVirtualWindow::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 83 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!SWidget::Paint(const FPaintArgs & Args, const FGeometry & AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect & MyCullingRect, FSlateWindowElementList & OutDrawElements, int LayerId, const FWidgetStyle & InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) Line 1622 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!FMoviePlayerWidgetRenderer::DrawWindow(float DeltaTime) Line 1029 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!FSlateLoadingSynchronizationMechanism::SlateThreadRunMainLoop() Line 170 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!FSlateLoadingThreadTask::Run() Line 213 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!FRunnableThreadWin::Run() Line 149 C++ LoadingIssueSample.exe!FRunnableThreadWin::GuardedRun() Line 71 C++
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UMG RichText not appear image when packaged
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There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-216735 in the post.
1 |
Component | UE - Editor - UI Systems |
Affects Versions | 5.4 |
Target Fix | 5.4.3 |
Fix Commit | 34241908 |
Created | Jun 6, 2024 |
Resolved | Jun 10, 2024 |
Updated | Jun 16, 2024 |