
Since CL-28416011, Sections in Window menu are broken and the RuleProcessor can not be registered in the menu. (See attached imanges)

Following workaround restores the sections and fixes the issue.

		: MenuRoot ( FWorkspaceItem::NewGroup(LOCTEXT( "WorkspaceMenu_Root", "Menu Root" )) )
		, ToolsMenuRoot ( FWorkspaceItem::NewGroup(LOCTEXT( "WorkspaceToolsMenu_Root", "Tools Menu Root" )) )
//		, LevelEditorCategory ( MenuRoot->AddGroup( LOCTEXT( "WorkspaceMenu_LevelEditorCategory", "Level Editor" ), FSlateIcon(), true) )
		, LevelEditorCategory ( MenuRoot->AddGroup( FName(TEXT("LevelEditor")), LOCTEXT( "WorkspaceMenu_LevelEditorCategory", "Level Editor" ), FSlateIcon(), true) )	//workaround
		, ToolsCategory ( ToolsMenuRoot->AddGroup(LOCTEXT( "WorkspaceMenu_ToolsCategory", "Tools" ), FSlateIcon(), true) )
		, DeveloperToolsCategory ( ToolsMenuRoot->AddGroup(LOCTEXT("WorkspaceMenu_DeveloperToolsCategory", "Instrumentation"), FSlateIcon()) )
//		, DeveloperToolsLogCategory ( MenuRoot->AddGroup( LOCTEXT("WorkspaceMenu_DeveloperToolsLogCategory", "Log"), FSlateIcon(), true))
		, DeveloperToolsLogCategory ( MenuRoot->AddGroup(FName(TEXT("Log")), LOCTEXT("WorkspaceMenu_DeveloperToolsLogCategory", "Log"), FSlateIcon(), true))	//workaround
		, EditOptions( FWorkspaceItem::NewGroup(LOCTEXT( "WorkspaceEdit_Options", "Edit Options" )) )

Steps to Reproduce

1. Open CitySample in UE5.4
2. Point Window menu in mainmenu
3. See listed litems

RuleProcessor is not listed in the window menu

Expected result:
RuleProcessor is listed in the window menu

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-217631 in the post.

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ComponentUE - Editor - Workflow Systems
Affects Versions5.4
Target Fix5.5
Fix Commit33889190
CreatedJun 11, 2024
ResolvedJun 11, 2024
UpdatedJun 13, 2024
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