
With 5.2, we allowed the take separator to be multiple characters long. But it would appear that when using this feature, if you don't also have a 'shot number' before the take separator, then the new take won't be named correctly. A shot number will be inserted, and the new take number won't format with the correct project setting number of take digits. This works correctly however when using a single character take separator or when having a shot number of any kind.


e.g. with a take separator of '_tk'

Shot_tk001 -> Shot1_tk2 (wrong)

Shot1_tk001 -> Shot1_tk002 (correct)

with a take separator of '_'

Shot_001 -> Shot_002 (correct)

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to Reproduce

  • set Take Num Digits to "3" and Take Separator to "_tk" in the Project Settings.
  • create a main Level Sequence. Call it whatever.. in example "mainSeq".
  • create a LevelSequence called "myShot_tk001" and add it to the main LS as a shot in a shot track.
  • create a new take of that shot... it will call it "myShot1_tk2"



now create a LevelSequence called "myShot42_tk001" and add that to the main sequence.

if you create a take now, it will name it correctly "myShot42_tk002".

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ComponentUE - Anim - Sequencer
Affects Versions5.4
Target Fix5.5
Fix Commit35109973
CreatedJul 18, 2024
ResolvedJul 26, 2024
UpdatedAug 14, 2024
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