
Because UniagaradataInterfaceChaosDestruction::HandleTrailingEvents does not respect incoming TrailingEvent data, the debris velocity during chaos cache playback is always evaluated as zero.

The following workaround works but there is no PhysicalMaterial Mask Implementation :

void UNiagaraDataInterfaceChaosDestruction::HandleTrailingEvents(const Chaos::FTrailingEventData& Event)

#if 0
	if (GeometryCollectionComponentsFromBreaking.Num() > 0)
		TArray<UGeometryCollectionComponent*> ComponentsToRemove;
		for (auto& GeometryCollectionComponent : GeometryCollectionComponentsFromBreaking)
			if (GeometryCollectionComponent)
		for (UGeometryCollectionComponent* ComponentToRemove : ComponentsToRemove)
	for (auto& Data : Event.TrailingData.AllTrailingsArray)
		if (Data.Velocity.SquaredLength() >= TrailMinSpeedToSpawnSquared)
			Chaos::FTrailingDataExt TrailingData;

			TrailingData.Location = Data.Location;
			TrailingData.Velocity = Data.Velocity;
			TrailingData.AngularVelocity = Data.AngularVelocity;

			TrailingData.Mass = Data.Mass;
			TrailingData.BoundingboxVolume = 1000000.f;
			TrailingData.BoundingboxExtentMin = 100.f;
			TrailingData.BoundingboxExtentMax = 100.f;
			TrailingData.SurfaceType = 0;


Steps to Reproduce
  1. open the repro project [Link Removed]
  2. (optional) Open /Game/P_ChaosNiagara level
  3. (optional) Start PIE to record chaos cache
  4. (optional) Make sure particles are spawned by trailing event
  5. (optional) End PIE
  6. open /Game/P_ChaosNiagaraPlay level
  7. Start PIE


No particles are spawned

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ComponentUE - Niagara - Data Interface
Affects Versions5.4
Target Fix5.5
CreatedJul 26, 2024
UpdatedAug 13, 2024
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