Developer Notes

As a followup to the original thread, I would note that we do show inherited (i.e. component added at C++ level) vs. non-inherited (i.e. component added at BP level) as part of the tree view ("inherited" will be displayed after the component name), in the case that the user moves a component from BP to C++ (or vice-versa), but does not change the type.


Type changes are not shown as differences in the BP Diff tool.

Found on 4.9 by live user (UDN link in additional info URL).

Steps to Reproduce

Here's how I did a local test:

  1. Create a new Blueprint class based on StaticMeshActor.
  2. Compile and save.
  3. Create a new Blueprint class based on Actor.
  4. Open the Blueprint class and add a SkeletalMeshComponent.
  5. Drag it over the DefaultSceneRoot to make it the new scene root.
  6. Rename the component to be "StaticMeshComponent"
  7. Compile, save and close the Blueprint class.
  8. Highlight both assets in the Content Browser and choose "Diff Selected." Notice that there are a bunch of property change entries for the component named "StaticMeshComponent" even though they are of different types.

Expected result: A single diff entry noting that the component changed type.

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-22040 in the post.

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ComponentUE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor
Affects Versions4.11
Target Fix4.16
Fix Commit3396444
Main Commit3431398
Release Commit3396722
CreatedOct 12, 2015
ResolvedApr 17, 2017
UpdatedJul 16, 2018