
When the DBuffer is disabled in the project settings, the Material Editor Stat page will still display the estimated texture lookups for the DBuffer.
It appears that the code that adds these estimated texture lookups does not check if the DBuffer is enabled.

The estimated texture accounting can be found in the function “FHLSLMaterialTranslator::DoTranslate()” from HLSLMaterialTranslator.cpp. The exact location in this function can be found by searching for the string “AddEstimatedTextureSample(1);”.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Download the attached test project and open it.
2. For each of the materials "/Game/M_TexLookup#N", with N being 0 to 3, the Stats page in the material editor will display that there are N Texture Lookups on the line: "Texture Lookups (Est.) VS(0), PS(N)"
3. Observe that the number of Texture Lookups can be changed by changing the Decal Response (DBuffer) setting.
4. Disable the DBuffer in the project settings and restart.
5. Observe the materials again. The Stats page still reports N texture uses, but the DBuffer is no longer in use.

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CreatedJul 29, 2024
UpdatedJul 29, 2024
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