
When pressing the "Show Inactive" button in the material instance editor, all material parameters are supposed to be displayed in the EditorUI. This is not the case, only some of the parameters are displayed in the EditorUI. 



// add_start (copied from MaterialEditingLibrary.cpp)
FMaterialInstanceEditor* FindMaterialInstanceEditorForAsset(UObject* InAsset)
	if (IAssetEditorInstance* AssetEditorInstance = (InAsset != nullptr) ? GEditor->GetEditorSubsystem<UAssetEditorSubsystem>()->FindEditorForAsset(InAsset, false) : nullptr)
		// Ensure this is not a UMaterialInstanceDynamic, as that doesn't use FMaterialInstanceEditor as its editor
		if (!InAsset->IsA(UMaterialInstanceDynamic::StaticClass()))
			return static_cast<FMaterialInstanceEditor*>(AssetEditorInstance);

	return nullptr;
// add_end

void FMaterialInstanceParameterDetails::CreateGroupsWidget(TSharedRef<IPropertyHandle> ParameterGroupsProperty, IDetailCategoryBuilder& GroupsCategory)
	bool bShowSaveButtons = false;
	for (int32 GroupIdx = 0; GroupIdx < MaterialEditorInstance->ParameterGroups.Num(); ++GroupIdx)
		FEditorParameterGroup& ParameterGroup = MaterialEditorInstance->ParameterGroups[GroupIdx];
		if (ParameterGroup.GroupAssociation == EMaterialParameterAssociation::GlobalParameter
			&& ParameterGroup.GroupName != FMaterialPropertyHelpers::LayerParamName)
			bShowSaveButtons = true;
			bool bCreateGroup = false;
			for (int32 ParamIdx = 0; ParamIdx < ParameterGroup.Parameters.Num() && !bCreateGroup; ++ParamIdx)
				UDEditorParameterValue* Parameter = ParameterGroup.Parameters[ParamIdx];
				const bool bIsVisible = MaterialEditorInstance->VisibleExpressions.Contains(Parameter->ParameterInfo);
				bCreateGroup = bIsVisible && (!MaterialEditorInstance->bShowOnlyOverrides || FMaterialPropertyHelpers::IsOverriddenExpression(Parameter));

// add_start
			if (!bCreateGroup)
				FMaterialInstanceEditor* MIE = FindMaterialInstanceEditorForAsset(MaterialEditorInstance->SourceInstance);
				if (MIE)
					bool bShowHiddenParameters = false;
					if (bShowHiddenParameters)
						bCreateGroup = true;
// add_end



Steps to Reproduce

1. Open the attached project
2. Open the material instance "M_Base_Inst" and press the "Show Inactive" button

All parameters (A,B,C) must appear in the editor UI.

If Sw=true, only parameters A and C will be displayed in the editor UI.

If Sw=false, only the parameter B is displayed in the editor UI.

All parameters are not displayed. 

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CreatedAug 1, 2024
UpdatedAug 8, 2024
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