
Since UE5.5, RegisterComponent has been called during cook process, So unnecessarily references from DMXLibrary to DMXComponent has been added.

 There is a workaround to avoid adding references :

UCLASS(BlueprintType, Blueprintable, meta = (DisplayName = "DMX Fixture Patch"))
class DMXRUNTIME_API UDMXEntityFixturePatch
	: public UDMXEntity
	, public FTickableGameObject
	/** Broadcasts when the patch received dmx */
	UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, Category = "DMX", Transient);  //WORKAROUND: add Transient flag
	FDMXOnFixturePatchReceivedDMXDelegate OnFixturePatchReceivedDMX;
Steps to Reproduce
  1. Enable plugins :
    -DMX Control Console
    -DMX Engine
    -DMX Fixtures
    -DMX Protocol
    # Create and open DMX Library asset
  2. Add a Fixture type in Fixture Types tab
    1. Press +New Fixture Type button
    2. Press +Add Mode button
    3. Press +Add Function button
  3. Add a Fixture Patch in Fixture Patch tab
    1. Press +Add Fixture button
  4. Save the asset
  5. Create a world partitioned level
  6. Place /DMXFixtures/laser/BP_LaserModule (plugin contents) in the level
  7. Select the BP actor
  8. Select DMX component in details pane
  9. Set the DMX asset(step 2) to DMXLibrary
  10. Set the FixturePatch(step 4) to the "Fixture Patch" property
  11. Package the project for Windows

*Repro project is available in the UDN case


Cook fails with the error:

LogWindows: Error: Can't save 'F:/Unreal Projects/WPDMX/Saved/Cooked/Windows/WPDMX/Content/NewDMXLibrary.uasset': Illegal reference to private object: 'DMXComponent /Game/NewMap/_Generated_/594WFNBE39IEZ4SRDHUFDQJSM.NewMap:PersistentLevel.BP_LaserModule_C_UAID_00D861336436DB4802_2031186074.DMX' referenced by 'BP_LaserModule_C_UAID_00D861336436DB4802_2031186074' (at '/Game/NewMap/_Generated_/594WFNBE39IEZ4SRDHUFDQJSM.NewMap:PersistentLevel') in its 'BlueprintCreatedComponents' property (private object belongs to an external map).

Have Comments or More Details?

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ComponentUE - Virtual Production - IO - DMX
Affects Versions5.5
Target Fix5.6
CreatedFeb 10, 2025
UpdatedFeb 10, 2025
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