
Calling "Play Animation", if current animation has a looping timed particle it will continue playing

Steps to Reproduce

With attached project:
1. PIE
2. Hit the T key

Result: Particle Notify from idle animation keeps playing
Expected: Particle Stops playing

Full Steps:
1. Create a third person template project
2. Create a particle system
3. Open the idle animation
4. Right Click in the Notify timeline
5. Add Notify State>Timed Particle Effect
6. Drag the in and out for the notify to the start and end of the animation (So that it plays the entire time)
7. Assign the effect from step 2 and use the "head" socket
8. Open the ThirdPersonCharacter BP
9. Set this up: On key press (T key) fire a Play Animation node on the Mesh component (Use Third Person Walk and enable Looping)
10. PIE and press T

Result: Particle Notify from idle animation keeps playing
Expected: Particle Stops playing

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ComponentOLD - Anim
Affects Versions4.114.124.13
Target Fix4.14
Fix Commit3148607
Main Commit3153517
CreatedJun 24, 2016
ResolvedOct 3, 2016
UpdatedMay 18, 2020