
ShooterGame servers crash on the Linux and Mac machines.
The following failed to find Font warnings appear in the output:

[2016.08.23-16.59.05:186][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object 'Font /Engine/VREditor/Fonts/VRText_RobotoLarge.VRText_RobotoLarge'
CDO Constructor (FloatingText): Failed to find /Engine/VREditor/Fonts/VRText_RobotoLarge

I do not see this issue when opening a packaged ShooterGameServer

Worked: 4.12 Github CL-2978217
Broken: 4.13 Github CL-3095848

Steps to Reproduce

1. Create a ShooterGame project from the Epic Games Launcher on Windows
2. Transfer the ShooterGame project to the Linux machine
3. Navigate to Engine/Binaries/Linux folder on the Linux machine and open a terminal
4. Enter './UE4Editor /path/to/ShooterGame.uproject Sanctuary -server -log' into the terminal

The ShooterGame server crashes on the linux machine. A Failed to find object 'Font /Engine/VREditor/Fonts/VRText_RobotoLarge.VRText_RobotoLarge' warning appears in the terminal output


[2016.08.23-16.55.09:275][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object 'Font /Engine/VREditor/Fonts/VRText_RobotoLarge.VRText_RobotoLarge'
CDO Constructor (FloatingText): Failed to find /Engine/VREditor/Fonts/VRText_RobotoLarge
[2016.08.23-16.55.09:275][ 0]Error: CDO Constructor (FloatingText): Failed to find /Engine/VREditor/Fonts/VRText_RobotoLarge

[2016.08.23-16.55.09:275][ 0]Error: CDO Constructor (FloatingText): Failed to find /Engine/VREditor/Fonts/VRText_RobotoLarge

Assertion failed: TextFont != nullptr [Link Removed] [Line: 115]
[Callstack] 00 0x00007fc8775fb18f FLinuxPlatformStackWalk::CaptureStackBackTrace(unsigned long long*, unsigned int, void*)
[Callstack] 01 0x00007fc8774d8365 FGenericPlatformStackWalk::StackWalkAndDump(char*, unsigned long, int, void*)
[Callstack] 02 0x00007fc8775fb08a FLinuxPlatformStackWalk::StackWalkAndDump(char*, unsigned long, int, void*)
[Callstack] 03 0x00007fc877665adc FDebug::LogAssertFailedMessage(char const*, char const*, int, wchar_t const*, ...)
[Callstack] 04 0x00007fc8586615e0 AFloatingText::AFloatingText()
[Callstack] 05 0x00007fc876db0f1b UClass::CreateDefaultObject()
[Callstack] 06 0x00007fc876eff897 ProcessNewlyLoadedUObjects()
[Callstack] 07 0x0000000000417699 FEngineLoop::PreInit(wchar_t const*) [/media/epicdev/e03f0d60-fd8b-4ccf-8582-d08e81908c25/GitEngine/UnrealEngine-4.13-3097361/Engine/Source/Runtime/Launch/Private/LaunchEngineLoop.cpp, line 1547]
[Callstack] 08 0x0000000000424dfc GuardedMain(wchar_t const*) [/media/epicdev/e03f0d60-fd8b-4ccf-8582-d08e81908c25/GitEngine/UnrealEngine-4.13-3097361/Engine/Source/Runtime/Launch/Private/Launch.cpp, line 32]
[Callstack] 09 0x00007fc86c7d6d1b CommonLinuxMain(int, char*, int [Image Removed](wchar_t const))
[Callstack] 10 0x00007fc86bcf4830 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fc86bcf4830]
[Callstack] 11 0x0000000000413869 ./UE4Editor(_start+0x29) [0x413869]

[2016.08.23-16.55.09:333][ 0]LogLinux:Error: appError called: Assertion failed: Assertion failed: TextFont != nullptr [Link Removed] [Line: 115]

Signal 11 caught.
Malloc Size=131076 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=131092
CommonLinuxCrashHandler: Signal=11
Malloc Size=65535 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=196655

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-35102 in the post.

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ComponentUE - Editor - Workflow Systems
Affects Versions4.13
Target Fix4.13
Fix Commit3100076
Main Commit3109685
Release Commit3100076
CreatedAug 23, 2016
ResolvedAug 24, 2016
UpdatedJan 19, 2024
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