Note that Cull distance volumes only work on components with Static mobility, but the component in the repro has Movable mobility, so you have to fix that first.
DESCRIPTION: Cull distance volumes don't seem to cull blueprints or meshes inside a blueprint, even if it's enabled. This was initially marked fixed with a batch of other fixes to CullDistance in ttp 296783. It was not actually fixed.
1. Open the QAGame Editor
2. Add a Cull Distance Volume to the world
3. In the details on the Cull Distance Volume, set Element 0's Size to 10000
4. Set Element 0's Cull Distance to 1
5. Set Element 1's Cull Distance to 10
6. Check on Enabled
7. Add BP_MeshTransformation
8. Move and scale the volume around the BP
9. PIE
RESULTS: BP remains and any meshes within are removed
EXPECTED: BP is also removed
OS: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
PROCESSOR: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz, ~2.1GHz
SOUND SETUP: Headphones
DIRECTX: DirectX 11
1. Create a new Third Person Template BP project or open existing one.
2. Add a Cull Distance Volume to the world and place around Third Person BP
3. In the details on the Cull Distance Volume, set Element 0's Size to 10000
4. Set Element 0's Cull Distance to 1
5. Set Element 1's Cull Distance to 10
6. Check on Enabled
7. Add BP_MeshTransformation
8. Move and scale the volume around the BP
9. PIE
RESULTS: No Culling occurs
EXPECTED: BP and/or Skeletal Meshes are Culled
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0 |
Component | UE - Graphics Features |
Affects Versions | 4.10.2 |
Fix Commit | 2468786 |
Created | Jul 31, 2014 |
Resolved | Jun 2, 2016 |
Updated | Jul 14, 2021 |