
When launching particles and skeletal meshes on certain devices, they create block noise pixels instead of a smooth flame for example.

Regression: Yes
Did not occur: Binary 4.12.5-3039270+++UE4+Release-4.12
Does occur: Binary 4.13.1-3142249+++UE4+Release-4.13

Steps to Reproduce

1. Download project:
2. Package or launch onto an Android device such as a Nexus 5
1. Create a new blank project with starter content
2. Add fire particles onto the map
3. Launch or package onto an Android device, such as a Nexus 5

Results: The flame is pixelated due to the rendering issue.
Expected Results: The flame should not be pixelated.

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Platform - Mobile
Affects Versions4.13.1
Target Fix4.14
CreatedOct 12, 2016
ResolvedOct 18, 2016
UpdatedSep 16, 2019
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