When an actor class sets the root component mobility to Static or Stationary, spawning an instance of the class (or child blueprint) during runtime will print a warning message in the output log of
"PIE:Warning: Warning Mobility of [ClassActor]: MyScene has to be 'Movable' if you'd like to move."
This is inconsistent with an actor blueprint where setting the root component mobility to non-movable does not print this warning on spawn.
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Test) USceneComponent* MyScene;
MyScene = CreateDefaultSubobject<USceneComponent>(TEXT("MyScene"));
RootComponent = MyScene;
Warning message is printed to the output
1) Setting mobility in code does not print a message to mirror blueprints
2) Setting mobility in blueprints does print a message to mirror code.
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3 |
Component | UE - Gameplay |
Affects Versions | 4.13.2, 4.14 |
Created | Oct 27, 2016 |
Resolved | Nov 21, 2016 |
Updated | Apr 27, 2018 |