
Not all material elements are created and assigned to the static mesh using multiple materials. With the attached mesh, only the first element is created and the other two are left non-existent. I can add them manually via the static mesh editor, though.

Workflow to create this asset:

  • Created in 3DS Max 2016
  • Created a Sub-Object Material with 3 elements
  • Assigned 2 faces of the cube to each material ID in 3DS Max.
  • Exported using default settings aside from setting the export to Centimeters.

NickBB and MattK, in an email discussion, brought up using the test assets that QA uses from Engine/Content/NotForLicensees/QA/FBX/StaticMesh/. When I checked the multi-material mesh "StaticMesh_18_MatIDs.fbx" this FBX works without any issue and creates all the material elements. I've attached that test asset here as well if needed for comparison.

This is a regression from 4.14.1 to 4.14.2, likely to do with the integration of fix for [Link Removed] that was causing a crash with multiple material ids.

Working: 4.14.1 Binary CL-3224400
Broken: 4.14.3 Automated Binary Build CL-3248269
Broken: 4.15 Automated Binary Build CL-3247232
Broken: 4.16 Dev-Framework CL-3248251

Steps to Reproduce

1. Import the attached asset MultiMatBox.fbx
2. Use Default Settings
3. Open the asset in the Static Mesh Editor

Results: Not all Material Elements are created that have assignments to the mesh.

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-40298 in the post.

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Fix Commit3249829
Main Commit3389599
Release Commit3249829
CreatedJan 6, 2017
ResolvedJan 6, 2017
UpdatedApr 27, 2018
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