Developer Notes

For a bit more information, we only support 4 UV sets per vertex on skeletal meshes (8 per pixel still to allow Customized UVs) and SpeedTree needs to use 6 to 8 which is why it's only supported on static meshes and now triggers this error. The level of support here hasn't changed with 4.15, we're merely reporting the error now. I've also updated the 4.15 release notes to more clearly show how to address this.

Disabled 'Used with skeletal mesh' on materials that were producing the warnings/errors.


Full set of warnings:

LogShaderCompilers:Warning: Failed to compile Material /Game/KiteDemo/Environments/Trees/HillTree_02/HillTree_01_Leaves_Mat.HillTree_01_Leaves_Mat for platform PCD3D_SM5, Default Material will be used in game.
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/ShadowDepthVertexShader.usf: 13:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/HitProxyPixelShader.usf: 12:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/HitProxyVertexShader.usf: 12:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/LightMapDensityShader.usf: 11:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/DepthOnlyPixelShader.usf: 9:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/DepthOnlyVertexShader.usf: 9:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/DebugViewModeVertexShader.usf: 10:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/BasePassPixelShader.usf: 11:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/BasePassVertexCommon.usf: 11:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/BasePassVertexShader.usf: 7:    #include "BasePassVertexCommon.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/ShadowDepthPixelShader.usf: 13:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogTemp:Display: Finished compile of shader map 0x000000005493E780
LogTemp:Display: Shader map HillTree_01_Fronds_Mat complete, GameThreadShaderMap 0x000000005493E780, marking material HillTree_01_Fronds_Mat as finished
LogTemp:Display: Marking material as finished 0x0000000048488B80
LogShaderCompilers:Warning: Failed to compile Material /Game/KiteDemo/Environments/Trees/HillTree_02/HillTree_01_Fronds_Mat.HillTree_01_Fronds_Mat for platform PCD3D_SM5, Default Material will be used in game.
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/ShadowDepthPixelShader.usf: 13:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/ShadowDepthVertexShader.usf: 13:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/HitProxyPixelShader.usf: 12:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/HitProxyVertexShader.usf: 12:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/LightMapDensityShader.usf: 11:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/DepthOnlyPixelShader.usf: 9:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/DepthOnlyVertexShader.usf: 9:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/DebugViewModeVertexShader.usf: 10:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/BasePassPixelShader.usf: 11:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/BasePassVertexCommon.usf: 11:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/BasePassVertexShader.usf: 7:    #include "BasePassVertexCommon.usf"
LogTemp:Display: Finished compile of shader map 0x0000000056CEAE80
LogTemp:Display: Shader map HillTree_01_Branches_Mat complete, GameThreadShaderMap 0x0000000056CEAE80, marking material HillTree_01_Branches_Mat as finished
LogTemp:Display: Marking material as finished 0x000000004848AB00
LogShaderCompilers:Warning: Failed to compile Material /Game/KiteDemo/Environments/Trees/HillTree_02/HillTree_01_Branches_Mat.HillTree_01_Branches_Mat for platform PCD3D_SM5, Default Material will be used in game.
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/ShadowDepthVertexShader.usf: 13:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/HitProxyPixelShader.usf: 12:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/HitProxyVertexShader.usf: 12:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/ShadowDepthPixelShader.usf: 13:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/LightMapDensityShader.usf: 11:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/DepthOnlyVertexShader.usf: 9:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/DebugViewModeVertexShader.usf: 10:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/BasePassPixelShader.usf: 11:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/BasePassVertexCommon.usf: 11:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/BasePassVertexShader.usf: 7:    #include "BasePassVertexCommon.usf"
LogTemp:Display: Finished compile of shader map 0x0000000057FD8F00
LogTemp:Display: Shader map HillTree_01_Branches_2_Mat complete, GameThreadShaderMap 0x0000000057FD8F00, marking material HillTree_01_Branches_2_Mat as finished
LogTemp:Display: Marking material as finished 0x0000000048499A80
LogShaderCompilers:Warning: Failed to compile Material /Game/KiteDemo/Environments/Trees/HillTree_02/HillTree_01_Branches_2_Mat.HillTree_01_Branches_2_Mat for platform PCD3D_SM5, Default Material will be used in game.
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/ShadowDepthVertexShader.usf: 13:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/HitProxyPixelShader.usf: 12:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/HitProxyVertexShader.usf: 12:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/LightMapDensityShader.usf: 11:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/DepthOnlyVertexShader.usf: 9:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/ShadowDepthPixelShader.usf: 13:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/DebugViewModeVertexShader.usf: 10:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/BasePassPixelShader.usf: 11:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/BasePassVertexCommon.usf: 11:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/BasePassVertexShader.usf: 7:    #include "BasePassVertexCommon.usf"
Steps to Reproduce
  1. Sync KiteDemo
  2. Open KiteDemo Editor
  3. Open Output Log (Window > Developer Tools > Output Log)

Tons of warnings in the output log from LogShaderCompiler, they look like this:

LogShaderCompilers:Warning: Failed to compile Material /Game/KiteDemo/Environments/Trees/HillTree_02/HillTree_01_Leaves_Mat.HillTree_01_Leaves_Mat for platform PCD3D_SM5, Default Material will be used in game.
LogShaderCompilers:Warning:     GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(89): error:        #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
            #err0r Too many texture coordinate sets defined on GPUSkin vertex input. Max: 4.
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/VertexFactory.usf: 1:    #include "GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf"
    from ../../../Engine/Shaders/ShadowDepthVertexShader.usf: 13:    #include "VertexFactory.usf"

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-40736 in the post.

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ComponentUE - Graphics Features
Affects Versions4.154.16
Target Fix4.15
Fix Commit3275990
Main Commit3389599
Release Commit3275990
CreatedJan 17, 2017
ResolvedJan 27, 2017
UpdatedApr 27, 2018
View Jira Issue