
When a Struct is used as a Local Variable in a Blueprint Function Library, the defaults for its member variables are not saved. If, for example, I enter "3" for an Int member, and "Foo" for a String member, then the editor is closed and re-opened, the Int has reverted to "0" and the String is blank.

This was reported with User Defined Structs, but in my tests, also happens with existing C++ Structs.

(Defaults entered below will disappear when editor is closed and reopened)
[Image Removed]

Steps to Reproduce

1. Open attached project
2. Open NewFunctionLibrary
3. Select NewLocalVar_0 and enter default values for the int and string members
4. Save and close the editor
5. Reopen editor and check defaults that were entered in step #3

Result: User-set defaults are gone
Expected: User-set defaults should be saved

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Cannot Reproduce
Fix Commit3503445
Main Commit3544050
CreatedJan 25, 2017
ResolvedJun 26, 2017
UpdatedJun 11, 2019
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