Incorrect collision on Instanced Static Mesh components that have been non-uniformly scaled and rotated.
User Description:
I have been experiencing a very annoying bug and I finally decided to track down the root cause. Below, you will find a youtube video.
Scaling an "Instanced Static Mesh Component" results in inaccurate collisions for "Static Mesh Instances".
Why I believe this happens: Setting the transform of an instanced static mesh component causes all subsequent instances to potentially have inaccurate collision. Some instances will have correct collision while some will have completely incorrect collision and this depends on each instance's transform values.
1. Open the attached test project
2. PIE
3. Walk forward into the geometry directly in front of the player start
Results: The collision doesn't match the geometry on one of the added instances
Expected: For all collision to be accurate no matter what scale and rotation
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