Developer Notes

The error is around 0.1, which sounds like it is a floating point precision issue.


The Z value of a trace hit will vary based on the Z value of the start/end points of the trace. The larger the start/end Z range, the larger the variance of Hit.Z values.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open UE4 Editor (Empty Blueprint Project with starter content)
  2. Select Floor mesh and set location to (690.0, 460.0, 32.0 )
  3. Set level blueprint as shown in attached image
  4. PIE for 5 seconds
  5. Exit PIE and open Output Log

Z value of trace hit varies even though object (Floor) and trace location are not changing

Start/End height of the trace does not affect the height at which the hit occurs.

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By Design
ComponentOLD - Anim
Affects Versions4.
Target Fix4.17
CreatedMay 8, 2017
ResolvedMay 9, 2017
UpdatedMay 10, 2017
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