
Play rate affects all blendspace samples using the same Anim Sequence

Occurs on?
4.15 - 3450819 - YES
4.16 - 3466753 - YES
4.17 - 3502710 - YES

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a Third Person Template project
  2. Create a 1D Blendspace with the mannequin skeleton
  3. Add two samples to the graph, both using the ThirdPerson_Walk animation
  4. Right click on one of them and set the Rate Scale to 2
  5. Hold Shift to move the green preview point around

Result: Both samples are playing twice as fast
Expected: Each sample plays at its specified Rate Scale. If you duplicate the walk anim and set each sample as it's own AnimSequence, it will work as expected.

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ComponentOLD - Anim
Affects Versions4.154.164.17
Target Fix4.18
Fix Commit3565938
Main Commit3594404
Release Commit3643070
CreatedJun 27, 2017
ResolvedAug 1, 2017
UpdatedApr 27, 2018
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