Steps to Reproduce

The project given by the user has AnimNotifies set up on the ThirdPersonIdle pose.

This notify will spawn a particle system when triggered, and the event has a 0.5 Trigger Weight Threshold.

  1. Download and open the attached project.
  2. Open /Content/Mannequin/Animations/ThirdPerson_AnimBP
  3. In the Anim Preview Editor, set "Use Subgraphs" to false.
  4. In the Anim Preview Editor, change the Alpha value.
  5. In the Anim Preview Editor, set "Use Subgraphs" to true.
  6. In the Anim Preview Editor, change the Alpha value.

Regardless of whether or not Sub Anim Instances ("Use Subgraphs") is enabled, the notify should only occur when the blend weight is less that 0.5 (e.g. ThirdPersonIdle's blend is greater than 0.5)

When Sub Anim Instances are disabled, the notify is only triggered when the blend weight is less than 0.5
When Sub Anim Instances are enabled, the notify always triggers.

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ComponentOLD - Anim
Target Fix4.24
Fix Commit9036155
CreatedJul 31, 2017
ResolvedSep 26, 2019
UpdatedMay 18, 2020
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