
There is an issue occurring where objects are flickering, and what appears to be jittering at set distances when rendering, increasing the bounds of the mesh pushes the distance for the issue out. This issue occurs in the mesh viewport, Physicics asset viewport and during play. The flicker also persists in the editor if the camera is looking at the flicker and then play session is ended. This issue is not labeled a regression

Versions Tested: Issue occurs in all tested versions
4.15.3 - CL: 3450819
4.16.3 - CL: 3561208
4.17.1 - CL: 3586342

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open project provided
  2. PIE (flicker occurs)
  3. Exit PIE (Flicker still occurs)
  4. Click on the object in the editor (Flicker stops)
    Result: Object flickers in and out
    Expected result: Object does not flicker

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ComponentUE - Graphics Features
Affects Versions4.
Target Fix4.21
Fix Commit4043013
Main Commit4072858
Release Commit4399518
CreatedSep 5, 2017
ResolvedMay 2, 2018
UpdatedOct 2, 2018
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